(May 17, 2024)
Leo Zodiac Sign for Friday
Leo Horoscope for Friday |
Personal: Leo, don't try to control your partner. A relationship isn't a battle of wills; it's two people who want to be together, so don't treat your partner like a wild animal you're attempting to tame.
Career: Don't be afraid to speak up at meetings. Mercury, the planet of communication, encourages you to be more open about how you speak.
Health: Keep a container of chopped cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, celery, and cherry tomatoes in the fridge for snacks. When they are easily accessible and already chopped, you are more likely to eat them as snacks.
Travel: When traveling, keep some cash on you at all times. It would be ideal if the money was in dollars, as they are the most widely accepted.
Emotions: You may feel compelled to express yourself in writing or to speak to others about your own experiences and how you overcame them.